November Chocolate Fountain Fondue Recipe of the Month - Holiday Gravy

Craving Gravy?
Lose the old, dripping gravy boat and turn your chocolate fountain into a gravy fountain!

Dip food items directly into the fountain or ladle gravy right onto your plate. With a gravy fountain as your centerpiece, guests from all around the table will have easy access to one of the best parts of your Thanksgiving feast.

To run gravy through your Sephra chocolate fountain, begin with 4 cups of your favorite gravy recipe (homemade or store-bought) and then thin it out using the sauce below:

1 cup butter
1 1/4 cup flour
6 cups chicken bouillon (or canned chicken broth)
2 cups water

In a sauce pan, melt butter over medium heat. Whisk in flour and cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. Slowly add the bouillon while whisking. Add water. Simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

If this sauce becomes lumpy, it can be strained or blended. Thin out your gravy with this sauce until it reaches the appropriate consistency as measured by your viscosity funnel.

Gravy can be run through any of the chocolate fountains on medium heat. For best results in Signature and Elite fountains, run on high heat, stirring with spatula occasionally to avoid scorching along basin.